Tuesday, February 12, 2008

best day ever.

today is national pancake day, and you can get a free short stack at any ihop from 7am to 10pm.
i fucking love pancakes!

check the link for more details.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

a poem.

coming up faster than anyone expects,
it's definitely this saturday...not the next.

we've been waiting two months,
i can't hardly stand it,
and the line-up's incredible,
with datA, bul!m!atron, and richie panic.

it's sure to be amazing,
probably the best one to date,
but there's only one problem,
poor justin can't make it.

so i'm sending out this plea,
full of half-assed rhymes,
to justinia of unicorn land,
"you've just gotta find the time!"

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

let it snow.

this week's obsession.
these two snowden remixes are ridiculous.
it is only a coincidence that the second one is from treasure fingers (i told you they were awesome).

snowden - Between the Rent(The Glamour Remix)

snowden - Anti-Anti(Treasure Fingers Remix)

i can't get that first one out of my head.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

here's why you should love Treasure Fingers.

Fergie-Glamorous(Treasure Fingers Remix).

One Hand Loves The Other-Tortoise(Treasure Fingers Remix).


sometimes, i feel like this.