Tuesday, February 5, 2008

let it snow.

this week's obsession.
these two snowden remixes are ridiculous.
it is only a coincidence that the second one is from treasure fingers (i told you they were awesome).

snowden - Between the Rent(The Glamour Remix)

snowden - Anti-Anti(Treasure Fingers Remix)

i can't get that first one out of my head.


+ said...

she finally got back to me and i'm paying for it tomorrow. it should be here hopefully by next week. exciting, no?

Justinia said...

no. i just like to make it rain on these hoes. rain on these hooooooooooooooooooooooowooooooooooes.
by the way, did you click on the dance diagram? it takes you to a knarly tecktonik site.